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Cannabis is NOT a CRIME!

If you are a daily cannabis user for Medical Cannabis, Recreational Cannabis, or Religious Cannabis use if you have applied for traditional life insurance and admitted you smoke or use cannabis or marijuana regularly then likely you have been declined or rated for your life insurance policy.

Don’t worry anymore! Because we have Ontario Canada’s best No Medical Life Insurance plans that will ACCEPT you even if you are a regular user of cannabis and marijuana. Conditions apply.

While the traditional life insurance companies will decline you or rate your policy if you are a daily user of cannabis some life insurance companies in Ontario, Canada have adopted a more liberal approach to cannabis and marijuana use.

We have access to all of Ontario Canada’s best No Medial Life Insurance companies that will offer you non-smokers rates. This could save you thousands of dollars over the life of the policy compared to a smokers rates. Conditions apply.

Cannabis Life Insurance Quotes

To see if you qualify for Non Smoker rates and save thousands of dollars over the life of the policy. Call External link opens in new tab or window289-212-0657 Today!

for a no obligation quote!